Rafia’s Journey

Rafia’s Journey

“When I had my first consultation, my only goal was to lose weight and after watching Rach’s personal journey I knew I needed her to help me achieve this. As I started training, Rach didn’t just help me lose weight but changed my outlook on health and fitness altogether. Her consistent commitment to making sure I had a balanced diet full of protein and that I used strength training to burn fat quicker has been a life changer for me! Her positive happy energy always makes it a joy to be trained by her and I always feel amazing all round after every workout! Now 10 months later, I am much more mentally confident and happier with my health and fitness levels and never thought I would say that I love weight training! This is all down to Rach’s commitment and support throughout the time I’ve been with her. My goals have changed as a result and now it’s all about eating cleaner, improving my fitness levels along with maintaining weight loss – best decision I ever made!” Rafia