Chris’s Journey

Chris’s Journey

“I briefly met Rachael 4 years ago just as she was starting out on her own personal journey of weight loss and fitness. We lost contact when I moved house however fast forward 3 years, to me being a 55 year old menopausal woman with a two stone weight gain, no energy, hot flushes, sleepless nights, aching joints and emotions so out of control and with a deep fog where my brain used to be.
Rachael popped up on my Facebook page as someone I may know and seeing how amazing she looked I decided to check out her page and there in that moment was the answer to my problems…….she was now a Personal Trainer! It took everything I had to message her and arrange a meeting, even though I was scared I turned up and just blurted out all my issues in one very long conversation and then cried!
Needless to say 5 months later after her fabulous sessions of therapy, food education confidence building and actually get my body moving more I am now on the road to a better me. Those first few sessions were so scary yes I cried, I felt dizzy and almost throw up a couple of times through anxiety, but Rachael was there every step of the way reassuring and guiding me. Although it was and still is hard work I haven’t felt so alive in such along time! I didn’t want a diet so Rachael gradually at my pace helped me to make better choices and educated me about the right foods to refuel my body in a more positive way. I still have hot flushes but I feel better prepared now and I have lost just over a stone in weight and feel far better in myself. Rachael is kind but will be firm when she needs to push you even if you don’t know it yourself. We laugh a lot and have a little dance to the music in the gym in between tasks, I now really want to do the best not just for me but for her as well.
Best FB message I’ve ever sent!” Chris ☺️