Nicola's Journey

On the run up to my 40th birthday I felt that I really needed a goal to distract me. I would never have described myself as ‘fat’ but my body had become unrecognisable to me and I found myself making excuses and justifying it with ‘well I am nearly 40 and have 2 children’.
I was attracted to Rach not just because of her many success stories but because of her own incredible journey. I decided if she could have a body like that with 4 children then surely I can’t be a right off with just 2!
Honestly, I’ve always hated exercise and never been a gym goer, so this was pretty far out of my comfort zone. I didn’t expect to enjoy it. I just wanted results. Surprisingly, I’ve actually found I really enjoy my sessions with Rach. Time away from the craziness of my busy young family and full time job, just to do something for myself.
In just over 4 months I’ve lost 4kg and dropped a dress size but most importantly I feel fitter and stronger than I did in my 20’s! I’ve had to be really focused but my brief to Rach when I started was that I had to still have a life. I wasn’t going to give up a nice meal out and few Proseccos at the weekend!
Thank you Rach for transforming this carb loving 40 year old into someone that sort of resembles a gym goer!
Grace's Journey

I wanted to shake up my lifestyle, I was feeling unhappy, sluggish and tired all of the time with little to no energy. With the support and encouragement of Rachael I’m so proud of what I’ve accomplished, I put in the hard work and the effort and the results are unbelievable.
This is the best I’ve felt and looked in a VERY long time and I hope to never fall back into old, bad habits. Rachael has taught me to plan ahead and that no food is bad food, its about moderation not restriction.
I look forward to continuing to push myself and embracing this lifestyle.
Thanks Rach for making it possible! x
Anges Journey

I’ve used PT’s at other gyms before over a number of years but never seen the results, I have since working with Rach. I have 2 sessions a week and she works me hard, but still manage a chat and a laugh as we go along, the results really speak for themselves.
I’m in the best shape I have been in years, not only am I gaining shape and tone, but more energy too. Rach makes me accountable by having to send her my daily food macros and steps, and she makes suggestions to improve my eating habits to help me achieve my goals. Rach is so positive and encouraging during the sessions and in messages, I really enjoy going to her gym and I can’t rate Rach highly enough.
Thank you 😘
Karen's Journey

We are both mums and had both been in places we didn’t want to be body wise, but mostly I didn’t feel intimidated by her. She was friendly and chatty and I decided that having her as my personal trainer was the way forward! I started my training with Rachael in August and to date the results I have gotten are just fantastic. Rachael is supportive in a way that is also encouraging, always texting asking how I am and how I feel. If I have eaten correctly and offering ideas to improve my diet. She is always on hand for advice. The training is varied so I don’t get bored and we decided early on that we would do split muscle days which worked well for me but if needed she would of adapted anything to suit me and my goals. She is all about doing what is best for you and what will get the best results!!
Rachael always ensures that I do things correctly and stops me if I don’t, but not in a way that makes me feel stupid, she’ll help correct my form and technique so to avoid injury and keep progressing.
I have come along way both mentally and physically and although I have the sheer determination and willpower to put the effort in, I would not of been able to do it without Rachael by my side. I am so pleased that Rachael has gotten me to where I am today and proud to be one of her clients and to call her a friend.” Karen
Claire's Journey

“I wasn’t on the lookout for a personal trainer but I felt overweight, unfit and lethargic. I knew I must be doing something wrong as I did regular exercise classes but never got the results I was looking for.
I knew Rachael as our children were at the same school and I saw that she had become a personal trainer.
Her fitness journey was so inspirational that I thought training with her would be just what I needed. When I met with Rachael she made me feel at ease straight away. Also, her knowledge of training and nutrition was so exceptional it blew me away.
I had to sign up there and then thinking…. This is perfect for me! I have been training with Rachael for a year now and I am so pleased with my results. I have really amazed myself. She pushes me further than I ever thought would be possible.
I never thought I would ever look and feel this great.
I love my training and feel so much more confident in the Gym even when I am training on my own. All thanks to this wonderful, inspirational woman. If you want to get in the best shape of your life I cannot recommend Rachael enough!” Claire
SUE's Journey

“If you’re looking into hiring a personal trainer, then look no further. I can fully recommend Rachael and I can guarantee you won’t regret choosing her to guide and train you throughout your fitness journey. Rachael listens to your fitness goals and gives you all the tools you need to help you reach those goals. She devises a nutrition and training plan specifically tailored to you and provides all the support either in person or via text.She makes your time in the gym fun and interesting and will constantly tweak and adapt programmes to suit your needs.Rachael is always happy to answer questions about fitness and nutrition no matter how silly it sounds (she’s had plenty off me!). Rachael is an inspiration, her own fitness journey is phenomenal and she is able to use that knowledge to help you in your own journey and is never too busy to help and inspire myself and her other clients. My own personal goal was to lose a bit of weight, body fat and to build muscle and after just a couple of months I’m well on my way to doing just that and with the self confidence you gain, nutrition advice and of course great training with Rachael you will achieve your goals too.” Sue
Claire's Journey

“I can’t recommend this lady enough. When I desperately needed something to mentally focus on after my mum passed away she gave me just that. I’ve always liked the idea of a PT but could never justify it but I needed distraction and a challenge so I started training with Rachel. I can’t tell you the difference it’s made to me mentally and physically and how worth every penny it’s been. It wasn’t about weight loss (Although yes I have saggy bits too even if I am ‘small/petite’ as people often say to me and I will always have that infamous c-section ledge after having 2 children, which of course I wouldn’t change for the world!), It was about learning about food and nutrition so I had some energy, I was tired of being so tired all the time (and don’t get me wrong I don’t think that will ever completely go when your a Mum, wife and run your own business!). It was also about breaking bad habits (Although I still have my cappuccino, red wine and chocolate brownie fixes, don’t tell her, just not as often) but mainly about trying to feel good again when I didn’t know what else to do. Thanks Rach, you’re amazing! Claire
ALICE's Journey

“I first looked into using a personal trainer because I was very unhappy with the way I looked, after being at university for 3 years and eating/drinking everything in sight. The way I looked made me feel so self conscious, I was upset and I had such low self esteem. I thought a personal trainer would help me, teach me and also give me confidence!
Choosing to have a personal trainer and specifically Rachael, I felt I was able to relate to her after reading she had felt the exact same way before, this has been one of the best things I have ever done! After every single session I feel totally amazing! I could have been in an awful mood all day and after a PT session, everything will have been all forgotten about. The encouragement, the support, the love, the genuine care that comes from Rachael is crazy.
Being a young woman who has been bullied throughout my life for my weight, I never had any confidence or pride in the way I looked. But now, after deciding to make a change and having Rachael to help me achieve my goals, I am much happier and definitely feel so much more positive about myself.” Alice
ADELE's Journey

“I have been training with Rachel since May 2018. Along the way Rachel has enabled me to achieve my goals and adapt my training as my goals have changed. Rachel is always on hand to give advice and support on nutrition and the workouts I do on my own.
I thoroughly enjoy my sessions with Rachel, I look forward to them each week knowing I will leave my session having been pushed to my limits. Rachel is inspirational and relatable, both of us being working mums with lots to juggle!” Adele
Becki's Journey

“I’ve always exercised and gone to the gym so felt relatively fit but as I’ve got older (just turning 40) my body I felt needed a shake up as I just seemed to be plodding along and wasn’t noticing any improvements with current classes etc I was doing. This is how I came to meet Rachael. She inspired me with what she had achieved and I thought I want a bit of that too! The support and guidance of a personal trainer has made such a difference in such a short space of time. The gym work I do now is more tailored to my needs and although I am going solo at the moment Rachael is always around to ask for advise or just a friendly chat. I am happy with the changes to my body so far but feel really motivated to keep going and hopefully feel a lot more confident in my bikini this year on holiday :))” Becki
SEJALS's Journey

“Amazing results” Sejal
Louise's Journey

“I had my first PT with Rachael the day after I turned 40. For about a year and a half I’d thought about contacting a personal trainer but wasn’t confident enough to do anything about it. I realised I didn’t want to spend the next 10 years-as I headed towards 50, thinking what if I had seen a personal trainer. I decided I to look forwards, not backwards and face things with confidence and not let fear hold me back.
I quite liked my body and enjoyed exercise and was aware that I didn’t want to have a negative view of my body.
In 2013 our third child was stillborn and this had an impact on the way I viewed myself and my body. I realised that I could do something about it or choose to do nothing, but either way I needed to be happy with my decision.
So just before I had my birthday I had my initial consultation with Rachael. I was nervous and apprehensive, but there was no need to be. Instantly Rachael put me at ease and she listened to everything I said without judgment.
I decided to train with Rachael because like me she has had 4 children, I’d seen Rachael’s Instagram page and thought that she would be understanding and compassionate. From the very first time I met Rachael she made me feel validated and understood the reasons why I wanted to change the way I viewed myself.
I love training with Rachael, I enjoy every session and find her knowledge of food and training and understanding of me invaluable. As well as training I get great advice and encouragement and to top it all off I love the way my body has changed. I love weight training and have learnt that I am much stronger than I thought, Rachael is great at pushing me and encouraging me to try things I don’t feel I can do. I feel strong and healthy and am very much looking forward to the next chapter of my fitness journey.” Louise
Hollie's Journey

“I have been training with Rachel for just over 6 months now and it’s completely changed my life. I had no body confidence and I had no idea what I was doing in the gym before I started. I’ve always wanted to lose body fat and lead a healthier lifestyle but I didn’t know how and I didn’t have the nutrition knowledge to do this in a healthy way. I’ve been training with Rachel twice a week since then and I couldn’t be happier with my results. I was never that interested what the scales said, I wanted to feel comfortable within my body and clothes. I’ve more than achieved this and I’m so excited to keep training and pushing myself for even better results!xx” Hollie
Chris's Journey

“I briefly met Rachael 4 years ago just as she was starting out on her own personal journey of weight loss and fitness. We lost contact when I moved house however fast forward 3 years, to me being a 55 year old menopausal woman with a two stone weight gain, no energy, hot flushes, sleepless nights, aching joints and emotions so out of control and with a deep fog where my brain used to be.
Rachael popped up on my Facebook page as someone I may know and seeing how amazing she looked I decided to check out her page and there in that moment was the answer to my problems…….she was now a Personal Trainer! It took everything I had to message her and arrange a meeting, even though I was scared I turned up and just blurted out all my issues in one very long conversation and then cried!
Needless to say 5 months later after her fabulous sessions of therapy, food education confidence building and actually get my body moving more I am now on the road to a better me. Those first few sessions were so scary yes I cried, I felt dizzy and almost throw up a couple of times through anxiety, but Rachael was there every step of the way reassuring and guiding me. Although it was and still is hard work I haven’t felt so alive in such along time! I didn’t want a diet so Rachael gradually at my pace helped me to make better choices and educated me about the right foods to refuel my body in a more positive way. I still have hot flushes but I feel better prepared now and I have lost just over a stone in weight and feel far better in myself. Rachael is kind but will be firm when she needs to push you even if you don’t know it yourself. We laugh a lot and have a little dance to the music in the gym in between tasks, I now really want to do the best not just for me but for her as well.
Best FB message I’ve ever sent!” Chris ☺️
Rafia's Journey
“When I had my first consultation, my only goal was to lose weight and after watching Rach’s personal journey I knew I needed her to help me achieve this. As I started training, Rach didn’t just help me lose weight but changed my outlook on health and fitness altogether. Her consistent commitment to making sure I had a balanced diet full of protein and that I used strength training to burn fat quicker has been a life changer for me! Her positive happy energy always makes it a joy to be trained by her and I always feel amazing all round after every workout! Now 10 months later, I am much more mentally confident and happier with my health and fitness levels and never thought I would say that I love weight training! This is all down to Rach’s commitment and support throughout the time I’ve been with her. My goals have changed as a result and now it’s all about eating cleaner, improving my fitness levels along with maintaining weight loss – best decision I ever made!” Rafia
SAM's Journey
“I started training with Rachael a year ago. My main mission was to lose weight and gain strength, I haven’t been the best client as I don’t always follow the plan that is put in front of me, when I’m on it I see results!! I’m going to hit it hard this year and with the help of Rachael I know I will smash all my goals but this will only happen of course with Rachael’s help and support!
Training with Rachael is never a chore, I always come away feeling that I’ve worked hard and pushed myself and so much happier in myself.
Rachael is an inspiration for anyone who is looking to lose weight and gain more strength.
Rachael you rock!!!” Sam