Alice’s Journey

Alice’s Journey
Alice journey
Alice journey

“I first looked into using a personal trainer because I was very unhappy with the way I looked, after being at university for 3 years and eating/drinking everything in sight. The way I looked made me feel so self conscious, I was upset and I had such low self esteem. I thought a personal trainer would help me, teach me and also give me confidence!

Choosing to have a personal trainer and specifically Rachael, I felt I was able to relate to her after reading she had felt the exact same way before, this has been one of the best things I have ever done! After every single session I feel totally amazing! I could have been in an awful mood all day and after a PT session, everything will have been all forgotten about. The encouragement, the support, the love, the genuine care that comes from Rachael is crazy.

Being a young woman who has been bullied throughout my life for my weight, I never had any confidence or pride in the way I looked. But now, after deciding to make a change and having Rachael to help me achieve my goals, I am much happier and definitely feel so much more positive about myself.” Alice